Historically, the forests of the East Cascades were shaped by frequent fire. Years of fire exclusion have altered forest structure and composition creating uncharacteristically severe fire, insect, and disease impacts. The 34,000 acre Oak Creek Wildlife Area includes a checkerboard of ownership managed by the State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife State Dept. of Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy, USDA Forest Service, and lands ceded to the Yakama Nation.
The restoration strategy and treatment prescriptions are based on a landscape evaluation that was completed specifically for the Oak Creek watershed. The overall project aim is to protect and restore riparian and forest habitat while creating a landscape condition that is more resilient to disturbances processes such as fire and insects.

Accomplishments in the Oak Creek Landscape
80 acre
burn plan approved and permit issued for future prescribed burns (WDFW).
3 miles
of stream assessed for future restoration potential (MCFEG).
7 acres
selective harvest for future wood replenishment in streams (Yakama)
462 acres
of commercial thinning (WDFW and TNC lands).
314 acres
non-commercial harvest completed (WDFW lands).
369 acres
of pile burning completed (WDFW and USFS lands).
100 acres
of seeding for erosion control was completed (WDFW lands).
25 miles
of road maintenance, 1.25 miles decommissioning completed (WDFW).
Want to know more about the Oak Creek Restoration Project?
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